Dennis Knibbe - Dec 11 2023
24-hour deficiency data to manifest life-changing benefits without pain and years of therapy.

This morphogenetic technique helps restore our human nature and enables us to live pain-free and in balance with our minds, bodies, and emotions.
Physically restores back what your environment and Mother Earth didn't give you. FACT: You are a part of this Earth. Deficiency focus ages 0-7. Physical/ strength and grounding. Subconscious/ new beliefs and energy. Earth/ Rhythms and core nutrients.

Emotionally nurturing helps to align a person with their true identity and boost their mood and energy levels within 24 hours. It involves building awareness of two deficiency boundaries. Deficiency focus ages 7-14: Organs/Nurture & Attitude; Water/Cleanse & Balance; Emotions/Response & Awareness.

Mental nourishment for your current day deficiencies builds up your true given talents so you thrive in your environment and experience your best life mentally, emotionally, and physically as nature intended. Deficiency Focus 14-21: AIR/Activity & Inspiration. FIRE/Heart for life and a vibrant aura.

Biohack deficiencies with three easy
steps to feeling 100% yourself!
Biohacks are scientifically-backed strategies that give you access to personal metrics, awareness techniques, and breakthroughs to promote natural healing and increase your overall life satisfaction.
This DNA frequency testing does not require any blood work and provides 24-hour data results with 98% accuracy for any deficiencies outside of optimal plus data to what an individual is missing and losing due to their environment. Find out more about this testing today.

The awareness necessary to activate the biohack is imperative. All human evolution comes from understanding what changes must be implemented in order to facilitate civil living and to surmount suffering and pain. These techniques represent two thresholds that will prevent one from entering toxic zones, thereby allowing for progression with success.
Discovery what your missing!

Awareness creates evolution!

Acceptance aligns you with your true self.

Reaching your breakthrough comes through universal understandings, knowing your deficiencies and accepting your new energy to overcome ancestral dispositions, coping mechanisms, and your mental perception that attracts your outcome. This trinity of nourishment is your breakthrough to living a balanced and prosperous life, being one-hundred percent yourself.
You have a choice to live through the same cycles of the ones that came before you, or you can activate your full potential now and bypass karmas and pains by filling up your deficiencies with these quantum energy biohacks.
Article credit: Dennis Knibbe