Forever Young Organic Smoothie Pack
5 Organic nutrient🧬detox Smoothies
Body antioxidant superfoods + super-nutrients to help you feel forever young.
Smoothie #1 ACAI COLADA
Antioxidant Berries + Mood Minerals + Heart Love
A super-fruit fusion smoothie with a garnish of raw granola.
NUTRIENTS: Acai, Banana, Pineapple, Coconut Manna, Plant Protein, Ionic Minerals, Almond Milk, and a garnish of raw house (GF) granola.
Serving Size: 16 oz. Serve: Cold
Calories: 515 Carbs: 51 Protein: 27
Smoothie #2 KI-JING
Kidney & Liver Detox + Omega Skin Beauty
Activate your Jing ( Life Force) Shen (Spirt) and Chi (Movement) when you infuse cleansing herbs into your kidney, liver and blood organs. Thrive with longevity and aphrodisiac sensations with this ancient Chinese secret.
NUTRIENTS: Almond Milk, He Shou Wu, Pine Pollen, Blue Algae, Tocos Vitamin D, E, Organic Banana, Mulberries, Vanilla bean, Celtic sea salt & Love
Each Serving Size: 16 oz. Serve: Cold/Smoothie
Calories: 367 Carbs: 48 Protein: 24
Plant Foods for Skin, Brain & Heart Vibrance
Happy and you know it and you really want to show it clap your hands. This is how you'll feel after you consume this fusion duo of bitter sweet superfoods and nutrients guaranteed to have you puckering and singing out your favorite happy tunes.
NUTRIENTS: Strawberry, Mango, B Vitamins, Mucuna Pruriens, He Shou Wu, Plant Protein, Sea Buckthorn, CoQ10 and Love
Each Serving Size: 16 oz. Serve: Cold
Calories: 367 Carbs: 48 Protein: 24
The Amino & Antioxidant Winner!
A mango-kush-amino-antioxidant smoothie with restorative mind joy plant fats and body joy proteins, to help you combat stress & fatigue with ease.
NUTRIENTS: Mango, 26g. vanilla plant protein, coconut manna, free amino acid blend, powdered cherries for vitamin C, CoQ10, Tocos for vitamin D, E and Love
Each Serving Size: 16 oz. Serve: Cold
Calories: 371 Carbs: 48 Protein: 25
Smoothie #5 AGELESS ZEN
Berry Antioxidants + Body Calming Plants
Stay forever young with this perfectly balanced body & mind fusion drink. Rich superfoods and herbs revitalizes cells, activates healthy circulation, strengthens immunity, nurtures digestive and nervous system. Drink often and experience life’s fountain fusion of youth.
NUTRIENTS: Organic Acai Fruit, pomegranate, vitamin D, vitamin K, l-arginine, natural flavors, natural citrus sweetener, l-citrulline, grape skin extract, taurine, l-isoleucine, l-leucine, l-methionine, l-tyrosine, l-threonine, n-acetyl-cysteine, l-glutamine, acetyl l-carnitine and resveratrol, magnesium, lavender & love.
Each Serving Size: 16 oz. Serve: Cold
Calories: 121 Carbs: 15 Protein: 2